Saturday, September 27, 2008

Acne homemade treatment

« ...Ginger and garlic can be used as natural antibiotics. They are without a doubt the best natural antibiotics in the world. Both ginger and garlic help by killing acne easily. Ginger and garlic have anti-inflammatory ability which means that they are good at reducing the swelling and redness caused by acne....
...One treatment that tends to be effective for acne has to do with the destruction of bacteria and it had been discovered that an acne light treatment has the capability of producing fast results in breaking up the bacteria which is the cause of acne....»
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«...All those suffering from acne formation should try and see that acne does not increase. For this level of acne should be identified. If it is the beginning of acne, normal skin care would be enough. Normal skin care involves cleaning skin with normal cleansers. Cleansers need not be harsh, all you require doing is keeping the skin clean and the pores clear for excess oil to escape out rather than being trapped inside and causing black heads or white heads....»
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tags: at home acne remedies, acne free clear skin treatments pockmark filler, babies is so face dry and has acne

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