Thursday, July 3, 2008

Effective acne solutions for swelling pimples and do over the counter acne medication work

For many people that have had to suffer the effects of acne,the pockmarked skin that can present itself afterwards can also be another burden to bear. These facial skin deformations that come in various harsh formations,and with their own particular named identities such as ice pick, boxcar, rolling and atrophic are the result of damage to the deeper layers of the skin.
As I am sure you are well aware there are many causes when it comes to acne. This of course can add a certain complexity when trying to treat it. This is due to the fact that we are individuals and no one size fits all.
-Reduce the rate at which you touch your skin. If you must touch your skin as you may have to from time to time, make sure your hands are clean. This is necessary because careless touching of the face can transfer dirt and oil to the face which could result in clogging of the skin. I guess by now we all know we want to avoid this by all means.
tags: types of cystic acne, teenage acne problems, zinc supplement to treat acne

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